First, You Better Recognize!!! Perimenopause happens to 75% of women and is recognized by about 30% of them....
Give Menopause Symptoms The BOOT!!
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First, You Better Recognize!!! Perimenopause happens to 75% of women and is recognized by about 30% of them....
It's Time for your body to stop acting it's age!!!! Brain Fog, Decreased Muscle Mass, Fatigue and low libido...
Night sweats suck! There, we said it. Are your hormones playing their nasty tricks? If you have night...
What if you’re ready to start the Elite Journey, but don't know HOW? I had a friend call me up yesterday...
Who Knew????? I have a TRUE testimony to share with you all today!!! If you don’t order our...
My Journey to My Fitness Goals... I have decided to bring all of you in on my own personal goals and recent...