May 1, 2021


Gravity can be a real bummer after 40!

Elite wants to help you work WITH gravity and age to tighten that loose skin!

Head, shoulders, knees and toes…knees and toes!

Back, belly, elbows, eyes, cheeks and butt…cheeks and butt!

No matter how you sing it, say it or spell it, sagging skin will NEVER be cute, sexy or the latest trend.

Why Does Skin Lose Elasticity?

Our skin is at the mercy of many forces as we age: sun, harsh weather, and bad habits. But we can take steps to help our skin stay supple and fresh-looking.

How your skin ages will depend on a variety of factors: your lifestyle, diet, heredity, and other personal habits. For instance, smoking can produce free radicals, once-healthy oxygen molecules that are now overactive and unstable. Free radicals damage cells, leading to, among other things, premature wrinkles.

There are other reasons, too. Primary factors contributing to wrinkled, spotted skin include normal aging, exposure to the sun (photoaging) and pollution, and loss of subcutaneous support (fatty tissue between your skin and muscle). Other factors that contribute to aging of the skin include stress, gravity, daily facial movement, obesity, and even sleep position.

Skin Changes That Come with Age (WebMD-Radiant)

As we grow older, changes like these naturally occur:

  • Skin becomes rougher.
  • Skin develops lesions such as benign tumors.
  • Skin becomes slack. The loss of the elastic tissue (elastin) in the skin with age causes the skin to hang loosely.
  • Skin becomes more transparent. This is caused by thinning of the epidermis (surface layer of the skin).
  • Skin becomes more fragile. This is caused by a flattening of the area where the epidermis and dermis (layer of skin under the epidermis) come together.
  • Skin becomes more easily bruised. This is due to thinner blood vessel walls.

Changes below the skin also become evident as we age. They include:

  • Loss of fat below the skin in the cheeks, temples, chin, nose, and eye area may result in loosening skin, sunken eyes, and a “skeletal” appearance.
  •  Bone loss, mostly around the mouth and chin, may become evident after age 60 and cause puckering of the skin around the mouth.
  • Cartilage loss in the nose causes drooping of the nasal tip and accentuation of the bony structures in the nose.


Sun and Your Skin

Exposure to sunlight is the single biggest culprit in aging skin.

Over time, the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light damages certain fibers in the skin called elastin. The breakdown of elastin fibers causes the skin to sag, stretch, and lose its ability to snap back after stretching. The skin also bruises and tears more easily and takes longer to heal. So while sun damage may not show when you’re young, it will later in life.

Nothing can completely undo sun damage, although the skin can sometimes repair itself. Lasers can also help reverse some of the damage. So, it’s never too late to begin protecting yourself from sun exposure and skin cancer. You can delay changes associated with aging by staying out of the sun, covering up, wearing a hat, and making a habit of using sunscreen.

More Than Just a Pretty Face

Your face isn’t the only thing effected by gravity over time.  Our muscles need to be fed, worked and treated well in order to stay firm.  Protein is a major source of muscle growth and longevity.  Sources tell us that women after the age of 40 need to worry less about cardio and more about weight training.  We understand the myths, we’ve heard them too, but rest assured, they are myths.

Common Myths About Weight Training for Women

Myth 1: Women shouldn’t lift heavy weights because it’s dangerous…

Women can and do excel at weight lifting. While heavy weight lifting is sometimes stereotyped as a men’s sport, elite women athletes are, pound for pound, some of the strongest in the world.

Men may lift more weight, in total pounds, but when it comes to contests of strength relative to body weight, some women weight lifters can outlift the guys.

Moreover, weight lifting is not dangerous for women, even if you’re not an athlete, according to Sara Carr, personal trainer, competitive weightlifter, and assistant head coach at Black Box NYC.

“Anything is dangerous if you’re doing it incorrectly. With proper form, there’s nothing dangerous about lifting weights” Carr says.

What the research says: Studies have found that weight lifting sports like powerlifting and CrossFit have a relatively low risk of injury compared to other common sports like soccer, football, and running.

In fact, women of all ages and backgrounds can safely learn weight lifting with the help of a good coach. “That includes women who are pregnant,” Carr says, although some movements may be modified.

Research shows that women can safely lift weight while pregnant, and it even has benefits — however, it’s best to do so if you have prior experience, and not start a new, intense workout regimen during pregnancy. And it’s always a good idea to consult a doctor if you’re not sure a certain workout is right for you.

Myth 2: Women who lift weights will get bulky 

Another common myth is that lifting weights will make women gain weight and muscle or give their body a “bulky” appearance.

It’s true, that if you lift enough weights over a long enough time, you will gain muscle mass. However, research shows that there aren’t significant differences between how quickly men and women build muscle on similar training plans.

“Can it make you bulky? Sure, but you have to put in a ton of time in the weight room,” Carr says. Even then, it won’t happen overnight. Building muscle takes significantly longer than burning fat, and years of hard work are required for the lean muscle mass you see on “bulky” athletes.

General advice: ‘Bulking’ or putting on lots of muscle mass takes hard work, including eating extra calories and spending many hours in the gym, so it’s not likely to happen by accident.

“It’s a really slow process. If you’re doing it three times a week, the increase in muscle is not going to be noticeable for most people,” Carr says. As a result, you don’t have to worry that casual lifting will accidentally turn you into a bodybuilder.

Myth 3: Women can’t lose weight through lifting

It’s a common misconception that cardio is the best way to burn fat or lose weight. Weight lifting is as good or better for burning calories, since research shows it can increase your basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories you burn at rest, for up to 48 hours after you finish your workout.

“As soon as you stop doing cardio, you stop burning calories,” Carr says. “When you lift weights, once you stop, your body starts to recover, and continues to burn calories for a long period of time.”

It has another benefit for a lean physique, too, particularly in the long-term. As you build muscle with weight lifting, your body will need to use more energy maintaining all that tissue, which can further increase the number of calories you burn during daily activities.

“The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism is going to be,” Carr says.

Myth 4: You should use light weight and lots of reps to “tone” certain muscles

Workout routines designed for women often include light weight (or just body weight exercises) and lots of reps. The conventional wisdom is that these smaller weights will help “tone” your muscles without making them big.

However, the word “tone” here is misleading because it refers to the idea that you can achieve defined muscles by changing their shape but without bulking up. In reality, you can’t gain muscle definition without gaining some muscle mass (or losing body fat).

“Your muscles can get bigger or smaller, you can’t change the shape,” says Carr.

Moreover, toning is sometimes associated with spot reducing, which refers to when you target a specific area of your body — like your stomach or thighs — to make it leaner. However, spot reducing is not real: “You can’t just tell your body you want to lose weight in a certain area,” Carr says.

More Than Just Weight Training

Now, let’s talk about other things you can start doing TODAY to reverse the signs of aging.  Yes!  We are saying, reverse the signs because we’ve watched it happen over and over again in our patients.

They are called peptides, they are magnificent and Dr. Perricone started the craze several years ago while appearing on Oprah.

To Make a Long Story Short…

Peptides are short strings of amino acids, typically comprising 2–50 amino acids. Amino acids are also the building blocks of proteins, but proteins contain more.

Peptides may be easier for the body to absorb than proteins because they are smaller and more broken down than proteins. They can more easily penetrate the skin and intestines, which helps them to enter the bloodstream more quickly.

The peptides in supplements may come from plant or animal sources of protein, including:

  • eggs
  • milk
  • meat
  • fish and shellfish
  • beans and lentils
  • soy
  • oats
  • flaxseed
  • hemp seeds
  • wheat

Slow down the aging process.

Collagen is a protein in the skin, hair, and nails. Collagen peptides are broken down collagen proteins that the body can absorb more easily. Taking collagen peptides may improve skin health and slow the aging process.

Peptides stimulate the production of melanin, a skin pigment, which may improve the skin’s protection against sun damage.

Improve wound healing.

As collagen is a vital component of healthy skin, collagen peptides may facilitate faster wound healing.

Bioactive peptides can also reduce inflammation and act as antioxidants, which can improve the body’s ability to heal.

Prevent age-related bone loss.

Animal research links a moderate intake of collagen peptides with an increase in bone mass in growing rats who also did running exercise.

The study may point to collagen peptides being a useful way to counteract age-related bone loss. However, more research is necessary, especially on humans.

Build strength and muscle mass.

Research on older adults indicates that collagen peptide supplements can increase muscle mass and strength. In the study, participants combined supplement use with resistance training.

Ready To Start Peptide Therapy?


We can’t say enough about this product!  We talk about it as often as we can because it works, simple as that.

CJC-1295 is one of the most promising anti-aging peptides available today.  If you haven’t spent much time reading about supplements and medications,  you might not even know what CJC-1295 is.  What it is used for, or about the CJC-1295 benefits.  In a nutshell, CJC-1295 can help individuals over the age of 30 to have more energy, a faster metabolism, and stay in better shape as you age.  It’s not a hormone itself, so it is a safe and low-risk option.

Despite the code-like name, CJC-1295 is fairly easy to understand in terms of its function and purpose.  It’s classified as a peptide, a small amino acid chain similar to (though smaller than) a protein.  Peptides work in different ways, depending on what systems or areas of the body they target.  In the case of CJC-1295, it’s a growth hormone secretagogue – that is, it is, in and of itself, not a hormone.  Rather, it triggers the secretion of human growth hormone in your body via your pituitary gland.

Why? How?

After age 30, the rate of human growth hormone in the body starts to decrease, by as much as 15% per decade.  This is one of the natural processes responsible for; decreased energy, increased difficulty losing or maintaining weight, decreased muscle mass, increased struggles to build new muscle, compromised healing and immune systems, and much more that are characteristic of “getting older”.  Reversing these trends, with human growth hormone itself is fairly dangerous, with significant side effects.  Rather than take that route, an anti-aging peptide like CJC-1295 is considered quite safe, since it merely triggers your body’s production of your own natural growth hormone.


Tip of The Day

ORDER YOUR CJC-1295 TODAY!!!!!  You can thank us later!  Cheers to Getting YOUNGER one peptide at a time!!!


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Hi, I'm Clay

I’m one of the founders of Elite Health. We launched EHO to help people experience the best version of themselves. 

Hit your Peak Performance.

Boost your energy, build mass, reduce joint pain, increase stamina in bed, lose weight, restore hair, and feel your best.