Who knew how much we needed it? Not Me!!!! I recently went into Elite for my quarterly check up and...
Progress with Progesterone
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Who knew how much we needed it? Not Me!!!! I recently went into Elite for my quarterly check up and...
Okay, guys! Let's talk about osteoporosis. Wait. What? Isn't that bone thing that happens to older women?...
What if you’re ready to start the Elite Journey, but don't know HOW? I had a friend call me up yesterday...
In honor of Father’s Day, how bout we talk about those extra few LB’s you daddy’s out there think are...
Yes, It’s a real thing! Ladies, you’re included in this too! Kisspeptin COULD be the exact thing YOU...
Let's Get Ready! If your youngsters aren’t out yet, they are about to be…so what do we do now? Summer...