Larazotide Capsules (500 mcg)

Larazotide Capsules (500 mcg)


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Larazotide is a synthetic eight amino acid peptide that functions as a tight junction regulator, and a zonulin antagonist to reduce zonulin-induced increases in barrier permeability.
Most recently, Larazotide has been linked to enzymes that reduce tension on actin filaments and facilitate tight junction closure.

Larazotide was designed to work by decreasing intestinal permeability and regulating tight junction between intestinal cells. The result of these maladies is so-called “leaky gut” and is thought to be the gateway to many autoimmune diseases.

– Larazotide (500mcg) Capsule
– Sig: Take 1 capsule by mouth daily
– 30 capsule = $180, 30 DS, 60 capsules = $269, 60 DS, 90 capsules = $349, 90 DS
  • Benefits for Many Inflammatory and Autoimmune Conditions
  • Restore Intestinal Barrier Function
  • Help Leaky Gut Syndrome, IBS, T1D and Celiac
  • Prevents Breakdown of Tight Junctions

How does Larazotide Related to Autoimmune Diseases like Celiac?

Improved hygiene leading to a reduced exposure to microorganisms have been implicated as one possible cause for the ‘epidemic’ of immune-mediated diseases, particularly autoimmune diseases. Remember, dirt don’t hurt!!

Apart from genetic makeup and exposure to environmental triggers, a third key element, i.e., increased intestinal permeability, which may be influenced by the composition of the gut microbiota, has been proposed in the pathogenesis of these diseases.
Intercellular tight junctions (TJ) tightly regulate paracellular antigen trafficking. Zonulin expression is augmented in autoimmune conditions associated with tight junction dysfunction, including celiac disease
and T1D. Larazotide was the first celiac disease treatment to enter a clinical trial 15 years ago.


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Larazotide is a synthetic eight amino acid peptide that functions as a tight junction regulator, and a zonulin antagonist to reduce zonulin-induced increases in barrier permeability.
Most recently, Larazotide has been linked to enzymes that reduce tension on actin filaments and facilitate tight junction closure.

Larazotide was designed to work by decreasing intestinal permeability and regulating tight junction between intestinal cells. The result of these maladies is so-called “leaky gut” and is thought to be the gateway to many autoimmune diseases.

– Larazotide (500mcg) Capsule
– Sig: Take 1 capsule by mouth daily
– 30 capsule = $180, 30 DS, 60 capsules = $269, 60 DS, 90 capsules = $349, 90 DS
  • Benefits for Many Inflammatory and Autoimmune Conditions
  • Restore Intestinal Barrier Function
  • Help Leaky Gut Syndrome, IBS, T1D and Celiac
  • Prevents Breakdown of Tight Junctions



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