Get Your Glutathione On!

by | Apr 28, 2021 | Anti-Aging, General

Health Blog: Anti-Aging | General
April 28, 2021

Glutathione and Glowing Skin…


This week we are overloading our blog with PRODUCT SPOTLIGHTS!  We realize that so many of you out there simply have no idea where to begin.  So, we’re going to do our best to guide you through your first steps at creating the best YOU possible.

What IS Glutathione

Overview by

Glutathione is an antioxidant produced in cells. It’s comprised largely of three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cysteine.

Glutathione levels in the body may be reduced by a number of factors, including poor nutrition, environmental toxins, and stress. Its levels also decline with age.

In addition to being produced naturally by the body, glutathione can be given intramuscularly.

 Glutathione benefits

  1. Reduces oxidative stress

Oxidative stress occurs when there’s an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s ability to fight them off. Too-high levels of oxidative stress may be a precursor to multiple diseases. These include diabetes, cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis. Glutathione helps stave off the impact of oxidative stress, which may, in turn, reduce disease.

An article cited in Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy indicated that glutathione deficiency leads to increased levels of oxidative stress, which might lead to cancer. It also stated that elevated glutathione levels raised antioxidant levels and resistance to oxidative stress in cancer cells.

  1. May improve psoriasis

Sources indicated that whey protein, when given orally, improved psoriasis with or without additional treatment. Whey protein had been previously demonstrated to increase glutathione levels. Study participants were given 20 grams as an oral supplement daily for three months. Researchers stated that more study is needed.

  1. Reduces cell damage in alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Cell death in the liver may be exacerbated by a deficiency in antioxidants, including glutathione. This can lead to fatty liver disease in both those who misuse alcohol and those who don’t. Glutathione has been shown to improve protein, enzyme, and bilirubin levels in the blood of individuals with alcoholic and nonalcoholic chronic fatty liver disease.

It has been reported that glutathione was most effective when given to people with fatty liver disease intravenously, in high doses. Participants in the study also showed reductions in malondialdehyde, a marker of cell damage in the liver.

Another study found that orally administered glutathione had positive effects on people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease following proactive lifestyle changes. In this study, glutathione was provided in supplement form in a dose of 300 milligrams per day for four months.

  1. Improves insulin resistance in older individuals

As people age, they produce less glutathione. Researchers at Baylor School of Medicine used a combination of animal and human studies to explore the role of glutathione in weight management and insulin resistance in older individuals. Study findings indicated that low glutathione levels were associated with less fat burning and higher rates of fat storing in the body.

Older subjects had cysteine and glycine added to their diets to increase glutathione levels, which spiked within two weeks, improving insulin resistance and fat burning.

  1. Increases mobility for people with peripheral artery disease

Peripheral artery disease occurs when the peripheral arteries become clogged by plaque. It commonly happens in the legs. One study reported that glutathione improved circulation, increasing the ability of study participants to walk pain-free for longer distances. Participants receiving glutathione rather than a saline solution placebo were given intravenous infusions two times daily for five days, and then analyzed for mobility.

  1. Reduces symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease affects the central nervous system and is defined by symptoms such as tremors. It currently has no cure. One older study documented intravenous glutathione’s positive effects on symptoms such as tremors and rigidity. While more research is needed, this case report suggests that glutathione may help reduce symptoms, improving quality of life in people with this disease.

  1. May help fight against autoimmune disease

The chronic inflammation caused by autoimmune diseases can increase oxidative stress. These diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, and lupus. According to one study, glutathione helps reduce oxidative stress by either stimulating or reducing the body’s immunological response. Autoimmune diseases attack the mitochondria in specific cells. Glutathione works to protect cell mitochondria by eliminating free radicals.

  1. May reduce oxidative damage in children with autism

An eight-week clinical trial on children aged 3 to 13 used oral or transdermal applications of glutathione. Autistic symptom changes were not evaluated as part of the study, but children in both groups showed improvement in cysteine, plasma sulfate, and whole-blood glutathione levels.

  1. May reduce the impact of uncontrolled diabetes

Long-term high blood sugar is associated with reduced amounts of glutathione. This can lead to oxidative stress and tissue damage. A study found that dietary supplementation with cysteine and glycine boosted glutathione levels. It also lowered oxidative stress and damage in people with uncontrolled diabetes, despite high sugar levels. Study participants were placed on 0.81 millimoles per kilogram (mmol/kg) of cysteine and 1.33 mmol/kg glycine daily for two weeks.

  1. May reduce respiratory disease symptoms

N-acetylcysteine is a medication used to treat conditions such as asthma and cystic fibrosis. As an inhalant, it helps to thin mucus and make it less paste-like. It also reduces inflammation.

Glutathione is found in some foods, although cooking and pasteurization diminish its levels significantly. Its highest concentrations are in:

  • raw or very rare meat
  • unpasteurized milk and other unpasteurized dairy products
  • freshly-picked fruits and vegetables, such as avocado, and asparagus.

Glutathione and Anti-Aging

We are ALL chasing after the next best thing in skin care.  It seems there are so many topical potions and lotions out there, who knows what REALLY works?  Much like the old saying goes, “beauty lies within,” and in this case, “beauty starts within.”  Could it be that we’ve discovered the pot of gold in skin care?  Well, WE haven’t discovered anything, docs a long time ago unveiled the little jewel, but, it was too hard to make bioidentical…until now.

Yes!  Glutathione really does have super powers.  Due to it’s ability to crush free radicals faster than a speeding bullet, the ant-aging benefits are mind-boggling.  Don’t take our word for it, we have a glowing tyestimonial.

Meet Jen

Jen was at her wits end with her dark age spots and wrinkles.  Spending close to $20K on every treatment under the sun with little results, she was OVER IT.  Jen came to our offices for a routine hormone check and mentioned her skin debacle to one of our nurses.  This is the moment Jen’s life and skin changed forever.

Jen learned about Glutathione and how it worked.  It literally diminishes dark spots because it converts eumelanin to pheomelanin in our skin.  Big words, we know…here it is, better explained in normal verbiage.


Our skin is made up of melanin, there are different types and sub-categories of melanin all through our skin’s make.  As we age, our eumelanin starts to increase because of cell damage.  Eumelanin is the dark coloring in freckles or birthmarks.  We don’t all have a J-Lo complexion, but we DO all have pheomelanin.  Pheomelanin is the lighter and glowing part of our skin tone.  Obviously, we are all born with different levels of melanin, but with Glutathione, as we age, we can have a little control over it.

Jen’s Results are STAGGERING

After just 3 months of using Glutathione injections, Jen looks 10 years younger and luckily, we have the pictures to prove it.  Her dark circles under the eyes are gone as well as her age spots.  She most definitely has a glow and feels better than ever without makeup.  Jen says she’s gotten into the worst habit of constantly rubbing her face because she still can’t believe how smooth it feels.  She even claims her pores are smaller and her eyes are brighter.

We hear ya, Jen!  This stuff WORKS!


Natural Forms of Glutathione

Glutathione contains sulfur molecules, which may be why foods high in sulfur help to boost its natural production in the body. These foods include:

  • cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy
  • allium vegetables, such as garlic and onions
  • eggs
  • nuts
  • legumes
  • lean protein, such as fish, and chicken

Other foods and herbs that help to naturally boost glutathione levels include:

  • milk thistle
  • flaxseed
  • guso seaweed
  • whey

Glutathione is also negatively affected by insomnia. Getting enough rest on a regular basis can help increase levels.

Beyond Our Products

Stats on Slumber

Sleep is a beautiful thing!  Without it, your body struggles to stay healthy and on top of things like cell-regeneration.  Sleep may be the closet thing there is to the fountain of youth.

Slumber and Your Skin (according to WebMD)

  1. Fewer Wrinkles

Skin makes new collagen when you sleep, which prevents sagging. “That’s part of the repair process,” says Patricia Wexler, MD, a dermatologist in New York. More collagen means skin is plumper and less likely to wrinkle.

Only getting 5 hours a night can lead to twice as many fine lines as sleeping 7 would. It also leaves skin drier, which can make lines more visible, Wexler says.

  1. A Glowing Complexion

Your body boosts blood flow to the skin while you snooze, which means you wake to a healthy glow. Skimp on sleep and your complexion can look drab, ashen, or lifeless.

Sleep deprivation causes a decrease in blood flow to the skin surrounding your face,” Breus says. “Skin becomes dull, and you don’t get those rosy cheeks anymore.”

  1. Brighter, Less Puffy Eyes

Chances are, you’ve had dark circles or bags under your eyes after a night of too few Zzz’s.

“Puffy eyes are one of the first things we see when we don’t sleep,” says Doris Day, MD, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical Center. Get enough shut-eye and you’ll have less puffiness under your eyes

Stay well-hydrated and elevate your head with an extra pillow at night, too. That can also help reduce swelling.

  1. Healthier, Fuller Hair

Hair loss, breakage, damage, and even growth can all be affected by lack of sleep, Breus says. Hair follicles (where hair growth begins) gain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from blood flow. Since blood flow decreases when we’re short on shut-eye, “hair gets less food, it weakens, and it has difficulty growing,” Breus says.

Lack of Zzz’s can also lead to more stress, Wexler says. “Stress causes an increase in the hormone cortisol, which can cause you to lose hair.”

  1. Happier, Healthier Appearance

Being short on sleep can cause the corners of your mouth to droop, making you look sadder than you do after a good night’s rest.

“When you’re tired, your facial expressions change in subtle and consistent ways. We tend to furrow and frown more,” Day says. “When people say, ‘You look tired,’ it can be because of these expressions.”

Red, swollen eyes, dark circles, sagging eyelids, and paler skin can also signal to others that you’re exhausted.

People who don’t get enough rest are also seen as less healthy than when they’re rested.

  1. Products Work Better

Your skin can focus on repairing itself while you sleep, since it isn’t defending itself from sun and free radicals (harmful molecules from the environment). Blood flow is also more consistent, and this helps your skin benefit from the flesh-repairing ingredients in your beauty products, Wexler says.

Skin also loses more water when you sleep than it does during the day. Apply a creamier moisturizer before bed and drink plenty of water during the day to help your complexion stay hydrated overnight, Day says.

So, to sum it all up…GET YOUR BEAUTY SLEEP!!!

Tip of The Day

Some of the best ways to ensure a good night’s sleep are:

  1. Get on a schedule
  2. Exercise Regularly
  3. Get plenty of SUN light
  4. Eat foods rich in anti-oxidants
  5. Make you room dark and keep the screens away
  6. Turn your clock away from you (if you have one)
  7. Keep your room cool (65 degress is said to be the best temp)
  8. Practice mindfulness and prayer or meditaion
  9. Drink lavender and chamomile tea before bed

Cheers to YOU,  Sleeping Beauty!

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Hi, I'm Clay

I’m one of the founders of Elite Health. We launched EHO to help people experience the best version of themselves. 

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