Boost Your Performance with Elite Peptides

by | Dec 9, 2020 | General, Peptide Therapy

Health Blog: General | Peptide Therapy
December 9, 2020

We know you’ve been working hard on achieving your goals, but when was the last time you saw the results you were looking for? Have you gotten stuck on a performance plateau? Can’t muster up more energy to reach your next goal? This isn’t uncommon. And no matter how hard you push it, you won’t get further on your own. That’s why you’re here, right? Are you looking for the best way to boost your performance to the next level? Well, you are in the right place. That’s our specialty. And one of the ways we help our clients boost their performance is with peptide therapy.

We know that you are cautious about what you put in your body, so let’s get down to the facts about Elite peptides with some FAQs.

What Are Peptides?

Peptides are a short chain of amino acids that play a crucial part in your body’s overall function. Can you believe that there are nearly 7000 naturally-occurring peptides in your body? And they are found in every cell and tissue? Peptides are big performers. They take on all kinds of jobs in your body. They impact digestion, affect metabolic processes, and contribute to your skin’s health, to name a few. Like hormones, if your peptides get out of balance, your health will suffer, so it’s crucial that you keep peptides at an appropriate level.

Are Peptides and Proteins the Same Thing?

No. Peptides and proteins are similar in that they are made up of strings of the body’s fundamental building blocks (amino acids), which are held together by peptide bonds. In layman’s terms, the difference between them is that peptides are made up of smaller amino acid chains than proteins. Peptides tend to be easier to digest than proteins because they are made of short strings of amino acids.

What is Peptide Therapy?

Peptide Therapy is a form of cutting-edge medical science that enhances the entire body’s function by using peptides. The peptides bind to receptors on the cell surface and send optimal messages to improve function, encourage healing, and restore balance. Peptide therapy comes in the form of injections, creams, nasal sprays, and oral tablets. Although often compared to hormone optimization, peptide therapy is not exactly the same.

What Peptides Are Used in Peptide Therapy?

The number of peptides on the market is continuously increasing. Each of them has different properties and gives different results. The peptides utilized in your treatment may vary from other patients. Here’s a quick overview of three of the most commonly used peptides.

Ipamorelin is considered to be one of the safest, most effective forms of growth hormone restoration. It aids in the aging process, disease management, sports performance, and growth hormone deficiencies. We usually combine it with CJC-1295 to achieve anti-aging and wellness benefits like:

  • Increased energy and well-being
  • Improved bone mineral density
  • Increased lean body mass
  • Post-surgical wound healing
  • Body repair and recovery
  • Better Sleep Quality

BPC-157 is composed of 15 amino acids that are derived from proteins found in the stomach. This peptide is useful in:

  • Alleviating stomach ulcer pain
  • Treating inflammatory disorders
  • Promoting better bone and joint health
  • Accelerating the healing of many different wounds
  • Acting as an analgesic if you are suffering from sprains, tears, and other damage

Melanotan II, not to be mistaken for Melatonin, is responsible for pigmentation of the hair and skin. This peptide enhances skin pigmentation, stimulates weight loss, and improves sex drive.

Why Do You Need to Supplement with Peptides?

If you are healthy, your body will make enough peptides to maintain an appropriate balance. However, as you get older, peptide production slows down.

What is Peptide Therapy Used For?

Peptides are one of the top ways to fight the effects of aging – whether you want to look younger, feel younger, or perform like you’re 18 again, they’re the most effective solution.

Studies have shown that it has a wide variety of benefits, including:

  • Better sleep quality
  • Fat reduction
  • Increased strength
  • Improved cardiovascular and immune function
  • Improved skin quality and higher collagen density
  • Increased sex drive
  • Faster wound healing

You can check out a full list of peptides and their uses on our website.

Does Peptide Therapy Come with Side Effects?

Peptide therapy does have some side effects, but effects differ with each individual. But some people experience no side effects at all. However, the people who do experience side effects usually only have minor ones. The most common side effects of peptide therapy are dry mouth, tenderness at the injection area, and some drowsiness.

Is Peptide Therapy Considered Safe?

Yes. Most forms of peptide therapy are considered to be safe. Also, the FDA is consistently clearing more and more peptides for use. But there are low-quality peptides on the market, so you need to make sure you get yours from a reliable practitioner.

How Do You Take Peptides?

The best way for most peptides to get to where they need to be is via injections. Injections get peptides into the bloodstream faster because they don’t have to be processed by the body. You can take peptides in capsule form or apply them as topical lotions or creams. Also, you can even find peptides in nasal spray. The most reliable results come from injections on a set schedule as determined by your treatment provider.

Ready for Real Results with Elite Peptides?

Are you ready to boost your athletic performance, your libido, and vigor to new levels with Elite peptides? If you are done with mediocre, then give us a call!

Our specialist will recommend the best Elite peptides for you based on your labs and performance goals during your virtual consultation. Following that, we’ll ship your customized therapy right to your door. Get ready to live your life on the highest level of health and performance, all on your own schedule- and meet your performance goals!

Schedule your FREE 15 minute consultation and discover the most comprehensive and affordable wellness solutions with Elite Health! Our prices are up to 60% lower than the big box providers!

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Hi, I'm Clay

I’m one of the founders of Elite Health. We launched EHO to help people experience the best version of themselves. 

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