Elite Dual Stack: Lipotropic AM Suspension and Thesenal PM Capsules
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Our Elite Dual Stack is recommended for use as a combination for assisting weight loss goals.
Lipotropic AM Suspension Benefits:
The AM suspension has all nutritional ingredients with thermogenic and appetite suppression properties with pharmaceutical grade quality, provided to enhance systemic absorption and clinical outcome.
- Choline for fat utilization and mobilization, liver detoxification
- Chromium to improve insulin sensitivity, effective blood sugar utilization, greater resting energy expenditure, reduce hunger and cravings
- Zinc will reduce all core anthropometric measures (weight, BMI, and body circumference)
- BCAA to target visceral fat (the most stubborn fat)
- L-Carnitine for fatty acid metabolism for energy, prevents bone loss (BMD) in patients with low fat dietary intake
- B6 and B12 for detoxification, methylation support for brain chemicals balance, speeds up metabolism
- Green Tea for thermogenesis (boosting metabolism/fat burning)
Thesenal PM Capsule Benefits:
Low Dose Naltrexone will help curb your appetite by reducing the appeal of food. As a result, you start losing your cravings for food. LDN along with Theanine and Selenum aid in weight loss.
- Theanine for thermogenesis (speeds up metabolism) in action, calmogenic at brain level, improves quality of sleep
- Selenum is critical for metabolism and thyroid function, reduce oxidative stress by facilitating free radical removal.
- Naltrexone is ideal for patients who suffer from squelched metabolism (specifically due to low-functioning thyroid), gut health. Improves fatigue, lethargy, aches, and pains.
This is a great intermediary when cycling off Semaglutide, especially for those with thyroid problems.
Unlike High Dose Naltrexone, alcohol can be taken with LDN without any side effects, but “feel-good” factor is reduced from alcohol intake due to LDN’s opiate receptor blocking effects
1 month supply