Virtual Visit: Action Required

APPTS:: Virtual Visit Questions

Your order requires a VIRTUAL visit, which means you MUST
answer these questions before you receive your order.

press Enter
I will use the medications prescribed to me under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional whenever such a professional is available to me.
I will store my medications securely and out of access to children.
Do you have a Primary Care Physician or have you had a general check up in the last 2 years?
Are you currently taking any medications for a chronic condition?
Do you have any history with kidney or liver disease?
Do you have any allergies to the following?
I will inform my primary care physician of any significant changes to my health conditions.
I am NOT seeking additional medications to be used by friends or family members
I am NOT seeking antibiotics to treat an active medical diagnosis/problem.

For legal purposes, please confirm your identity on the next screen to complete your virtual visit.

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